All About Me

All About Me

My name is Nafisa Haifafauziyyah, you can call me Nafisa or Pita. You may confuse where was "Pita" came from, it came from Nafisa and then my friend changed it to Napita. But because Napita sounds too long, they abbreviated it with Pita because it way much easier to mention it. This blog will be used for my school assignments. Now, I want to tell you about myself. I was born in Bandung City on 9th October 2003, so officially my age is still 15th. I have one sister and one brother. My sister name is Naira and my brother name is Farrel. My hobbies are watching korean dramas and cartoons such as We Bare Bears, Phineas and Ferb, Shopia The First, and many more. I also often go to the cinema with my brother to watch movies. I'm so happy if you have the same hobbies like me so we can talk about it. I also like to listen to music too! I love Ariana Grande, Kodaline, and Maudy Ayunda. My favorite food is Pizza. Currently, I'm studying as first year student in SMAN 3 BandungMy favorite school subject is Math. When I was still 4 years old, I took a Math course in Kumon. But I stopped when I was 12 years old because i was too busy with my school activities. I'm so proud to be in this school that I have dreamt it before. You can meet me at X IPA 1. I think that's enough from me telling you about myself hehe thankyou!


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