The Rebellion of Trisakti

The Rebellion of Trisakti

Most citizens of Indonesia got unsatisfied with the president's leadership mostly on corruption amongst the families and cronies in 1998.

On May 12 1998, groups of university students marched on foot to the Indonesian parliamentary building. The aim was to force down the president of Republic of Indonesia, General H. M. Soeharto.

For hours countless student demonstrate in front of the parliament building. Flags and shouts were seen and heard. The authorities began to worry about the condition then they decided to sent police and army troops.

Gun shots were heard and screaming followed. Tear gas was everywhere. The situation was very chaos. Four Trisakti University students were shot dead during revolts in Jakarta, triggering widespread riots and mass rapes, mainly of ethnic Chinese women. In the following days over 1,000 died, including in combustion buildings, during the riots in Medan, Surakarta, Jakarta and elsewhere.

Even though there were casualties and dead victims from the students side, they succeeded to depose the 'Smiling General'. He valiantly hand over his leadership to BJ Habibie, the famous aircraft engineer.

The Jakarta Post. (2014, may 12). Retrieved from
widyaningsih, a. (2018, april 15). brainly. Retrieved from


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