Offer and Suggestion

Offer and Suggestion
Topics: Recruitment new members of extracurricular program

Today, there is an extracurricular open recruitment in school. Azra and Yuni as new students of SMAN 3 Bandung looking around extracurricular stands and choose the extracurricular that they want. As they look around, they are attract by one of the extracurricular stand that filled with musical instruments. Then, they are visiting that stand. They are welcomed by two seniors who are at the stand.
Nafisa: Hello, did you all come here to register for extracurricular activities?
Azra: Yes, but before that, may we ask what extracurricular is this?
Edis: This extracurricular called KPA3, stands for Keluarga Paduan Angklung 3.
Yuni: But I've never played angklung before, is it okay?
Nafisa: It's okay, we will teach you until you can. Anyway, this extracurricular will be really exciting!
Edis: Yes, you should join this extracurricular.
Azra: Woah, it must be so exciting! Sure, we would join this extracurricular.
Yuni: What should we do to join this extracurricular?
Edis: You can register here and later we will inform you about the first meeting.
Azra&Yuni: Okay
Nafisa: Welcome to KPA3! See you at the first meeting.
Azra&Yuni: Thank you! See you later.


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